During lockdown and on a dare, I wrote a piece of fiction (Krofatter Egon og hjælpepakken below). That was kinda fun, so I wrote a bit more, and I guess I am writing fiction now.
I’m keeping it separate from my textbooks, though, so I have put references to my stories on this page instead of my other books page.
Tom Maygrove
Ok, so what’s that?
When I uploaded a story to Leanpub, it sent out emails to people who had bought other books. I know that Amazon does the same thing; it recommends new books from authors you have previously read.
This is generally a good thing. However, I don’t think that people interested in books on R programming, or C pointers, will also be interested in fantasy short stories. Sure, there is an overlap, but not a large one, I wager. I think that I will annoy everyone if they get recommendations for the wrong kind of books.
To avoid that, I made up a new name to use for fiction books. Tom Maygrove. Which is just a translation of Thomas = Tom, Mai = May, Lund = Grove. (The Mai spelling isn’t correct in Danish, it is a spelling mistake, but it is my name; half my family are Majlund which would be the correct spelling. I am not in that half. I do have an ancestor, a couple of centuries back, that spelled it Maylund, but that is from a different part of the family).
If you want textbooks or science stuff, it is Thomas Mailund, and if you want fiction, it is Tom Maygrove. Then that should be fine.
Those links are to Amazon, where the most complete list of books will be. They have a thing called KDP Select that I sometimes use, but for that a book has to be exclusive to Amazon for six months. I put books, under both names, on Apple Books as well. I can’t put them on Barnes and Nobles because they do not allow me to do that from Denmark.
I also have an account on Wattpad. If I have really short stories, I will put them there. There are minimum prices on Amazon, and I don’t think I can justify putting a 1500 word story for sale for $0.99, or whatever the minimum is at your local Amazon store.
Short Stories
Three wishes

When the situation seems hopeless, what can you do but set out to find a genie? Three wishes are what you need. But if all you can get is a demon, that must work just as well, right?
[ Amazon ]
A painting of a dying world

The day we decided to explore Old Man Peaslee’s place was the day we opened the gate to a dying world. It was the day I lost my friends and the day I lost my sanity. It may also be the day we lost our world to the monsters from beyond.
A painting of a dying world is a Lovecraftian horror short story that follows four young teenagers as they break into the home of the towns recently deceased recluse, where they find more than they had bargained for.
[ Amazon ]
Krofatter Egon
These stories have to be in Danish, for reasons explained here. There is one Novella and one short story for now, but I have some ideas for more, if anyone is interested in reading them. If so, just let me know, that will motivate me a lot.
They are free on Apple Books, but because of the minimum prices on Amazon, I can’t make them that there.
Krofatter Egon og hjælpepakken

Stakkels Egon. Som det yngste medlem af Krofætrenes Råd er det blevet ham pålagt at finde den skyldige bag pandemien der har lukket landet, og alle landets kroer. En opgave der kræver at Egon kan håndtere både portnere, rottefængere, og mænd med mørke stemmer. En opgave Egon slet, slet ikke er klar til…
[ Amazon ] [ Apple ] [ Gumroad ]
Krofatter Egons fødselsdag i helvede

Det er Egons fødselsdag, og mod sædvanen har han fået gaver. Én af dem, dog, viser sig at være lidt af en hadegave…