I wanted to write about lazy lists and lazy queues today, but I spent most of the day struggling with getting lazy evaluation to work. Finally, I conviced myself that something was broken in R, and I was justified in thinking that; upgrading to the most recent version resolved the issue.
Since I spent too long with this problem, I won’t have time to implement lazy queues today, but I can tell you how lazy lists are implemented.
I described how linked lists can be implemented using my pmatch
package here. I won’t repeat it here, just repeat the code:
linked_list := NIL | CONS(car, cdr)
toString.linked_list <- function(llist)
cases(llist, NIL -> "[]",
CONS(car, cdr) -> paste(car, "::", toString(cdr)))
print.linked_list <- function(llist)
cat(toString(llist), "\n")
With these lists we can do everything that we usually want to do with linked lists, but these are “eager” lists and sometimes we want lazy lists. By this I mean that when we write an expression that manipulate a lists, we don’t want it evaluated until we need it. This can be achieved using thunks without any effort. However, we also want to remember the results of evaluating expressions so we do not have to evaluate them again. Thunks, by themselves, do not do this. R promises do.
I am going to implement lazy lists as linked lists, except that the cdr
will always be a thunk. And to compare lazy versus eager evaluation I will use two different thunks:
make_eager_thunk <- function(expr) {
THUNK(function() expr)
make_lazy_thunk <- function(expr) {
THUNK(function() expr)
As you can see, the only difference is that the first forces its promise while the second does not.
We can write code that assumes that a lazy list is always a thunk, and all the code below would work. We can’t do pattern matching against empty and non-empty lazy lists this way, though, and when I implement lazy queues I want to be able to do that.
So, I define a type for lazy lists; it is either an empty lazy list or a thunk.
lazy_list := LLNIL | THUNK(lst)
toString.lazy_list <- function(x)
LLNIL -> "<>",
THUNK(y) ->
NIL -> "<>",
CONS(car, cdr) -> paste(car, ":: <...>")))
print.lazy_list <- function(x)
cat(toString(x), "\n")
We cannot use NIL
for the empty lazy lists, since that constructor is already used for linked lists.
The pattern matching that first checks if a lazy list is empty, evaluate it if not and then checks if the linked list is empty before dealing with non-empty lists is very tedious to write, so I will use this macro.
It uses some tidy-evaluate so you might find it interesting if you like non-standard evaluation. If not, you can just skip the function.
lazy_macro <- function(empty_pattern, nonempty_pattern, ...) {
empty_pattern <- substitute(empty_pattern)
nonempty_pattern <- substitute(nonempty_pattern)
extra_args <- rlang::enexprs(...)
cases_pattern <- rlang::expr(
LLNIL -> !!empty_pattern,
THUNK(.list_thunk) ->
NIL -> !!empty_pattern,
CONS(car, cdr) -> !!nonempty_pattern))
function_expr <- rlang::expr(
alist(.list =, !!!extra_args),
env = rlang::caller_env())
The macro takes two+ arguments. The first says what to do when the list is empty, the second what to do when it is not, and any additional arguments are used as arguments for the function it defines.
If you add additional arguments you cannot just provide their names, as you would for normal functions. You have to follow the names with =
. You will see this below. That is just how it must be done to insert them in the alist
we need to define the new function.
We can use lazy_macro
to redefine toString
, and I think you will agree that this defintion is easer to write.
toString.lazy_list <- lazy_macro("<>", paste(car, ":: <...>"))
For constructing lists, I use these two convinience functions:
eager_cons <- function(car, cdr) make_eager_thunk(CONS(car, cdr))
lazy_cons <- function(car, cdr) make_lazy_thunk(CONS(car, cdr))
These are also useful for the example code below. I use them to avoid pattern-matching every where I access lists.
car <- lazy_macro(stop("Empty list"), car)
cdr <- lazy_macro(stop("Empty list"), cdr)
We can construct an eager list using purrr::reduce
x <- purrr::reduce(1:5, ~ eager_cons(.y, .x), .init = LLNIL)
## 5 :: <...>
## [1] 5
## 4 :: <...>
y <- purrr::reduce(1:5, ~ lazy_cons(.y, .x), .init = LLNIL)
## 5 :: <...>
## [1] 5
## 5 :: <...>
This doesn’t show the difference between eager and lazy evaluation, because as soon as we look into a list we get the evaluated results.
We can reveal the evaluation by wrapping values in a “noisy” function:
make_noise <- function(val) {
cat("I see", val, "\n")
This reveals that with the eager construction, the function is created right away
x <- purrr::reduce_right(1:5, ~ eager_cons(make_noise(.y), .x), .init = LLNIL)
## I see 5
## I see 4
## I see 3
## I see 2
## I see 1
When we access it, we do not re-evaluate. It is already created.
## [1] 1
## [1] 2
With lazy constructions we do not evaluate the list when we create it
y <- purrr::reduce_right(1:5, ~ lazy_cons(make_noise(.y), .x), .init = LLNIL)
We construct the elements when we access them
## I see 1
## [1] 1
## [1] 1
Wait, what? Why do we get 1 twice here?
This is a consequence of lazy evaluation of promises that we did not want here. When we use purrr:reduce_right
, we have an environment with variables that are updated while purrr::reduce_right
moves through 1:5
. When we evaluate the lazy thunk, that is when we evaluate the expression lazy_cons(make_noise(.y), .x)
. This is too late; we only get the last value the the variables in the function had.
It is slightly worse that it looks like here. The car
of the list is the last value, 5, but what is worse is that cdr
of the list is the list itself. If we tried to scan through the lazy list, we would get an infinte loop
This function translates a lazy list into a linked lists. It shows us that we can scan through the eager list
lazy_to_llist <- lazy_macro(NIL, CONS(car, lazy_to_llist(cdr)))
## 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: []
but don’t try this. You will hit the limit of the recursion stack.
I cannot show the result here. You will not get a usual R error that knitr
can show. Your R session won’t crash or anything, so you can try it if you want to. I just can’t show the result here. It will look something like this, though
Error: C stack usage 7969360 is too close to the limit
Execution halted
We can’t use purrr
to construct lazy lists, but this will work
list_to_lazy_list <- function(lst, i = 1) {
if (i > length(lst)) LLNIL
else lazy_cons(make_noise(lst[i]), list_to_lazy_list(lst, i + 1))
Again, we can check that the elements we give the list are not evaluated when we create it:
y <- list_to_lazy_list(1:5)
They are when we scan through the list:
## I see 1
## I see 2
## I see 3
## I see 4
## I see 5
## 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: []
If you want to use this function in the future, you will want to remove the make_noise
call, but I use it here to reveal when lists are evalutated in the examples below as well.
Just to make the examples below easier to read, I will also make a function for creating eager lists:
list_to_eager_list <- function(lst)
purrr::reduce_right(lst, ~ eager_cons(make_noise(.y), .x), .init = LLNIL)
Eager lists are still evaluated when we construct them:
x <- list_to_eager_list(10:15)
## I see 15
## I see 14
## I see 13
## I see 12
## I see 11
## I see 10
and therefore not when we scan through them:
## 10 :: 11 :: 12 :: 13 :: 14 :: 15 :: []
Finally, we get to the good part. Lazy concatenation.
With eager lists, concatenating two lists will take time proportional to the length of the first list. With lazy evaluation, it is a constant time operation. Instead of concatenating immiedately, we construct a thunk that gives us the head of a list and a thunk for concatenationg the rest.
An eager and a lazy version would look likek this
eager_concat <- lazy_macro(second, eager_cons(car, eager_concat(cdr, second)), second =)
lazy_concat <- lazy_macro(second, lazy_cons(car, lazy_concat(cdr, second)), second =)
Now, create two new lists to experiment with
x <- list_to_eager_list(10:15)
## I see 15
## I see 14
## I see 13
## I see 12
## I see 11
## I see 10
y <- list_to_lazy_list(1:5)
If we concatenate y
to x
, we do not evaluate any elements. The eager list is already constructed and the lazy list is not scanned by the concatenation:
eager_concat(x, y)
## 10 :: <...>
In the other direction, we will evaluate the lazy list.
eager_concat(y, x)
## I see 1
## I see 2
## I see 3
## I see 4
## I see 5
## 1 :: <...>
We evaluate it because this concatenation is eager.
Now, let us try lazy concatenation. We need fresh lists for this; the old ones are already evaluated.
x <- list_to_eager_list(10:15)
## I see 15
## I see 14
## I see 13
## I see 12
## I see 11
## I see 10
y <- list_to_lazy_list(1:5)
With lazy evaluation, neither order of concatenation will evaluate the entire lazy list:
xy <- lazy_concat(x, y)
yx <- lazy_concat(y, x)
## I see 1
We do evaluate the first element because even the lazy concatenation gets the car
of its input.
The eager one is already evaluated, as before.
If we scan through the concatenated lists, we will evaluate the reset of the lazy one:
## I see 2
## I see 3
## I see 4
## I see 5
## 10 :: 11 :: 12 :: 13 :: 14 :: 15 :: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: []
We only evaluate the list once. If we scan through it again, even if it is part of another concatenated list, we have already evaluated it.
## 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 10 :: 11 :: 12 :: 13 :: 14 :: 15 :: []
It is the combination of lazy evaluation and remebering results that will allow us to implement persisten functional queues with amortised constant time operations. But I am out of time today, so that will have to be in another post.